New win! Empowering Haiti's inclusive progress


"Empowering Haiti's Youth and Vulnerable Groups: Promoting Economic Opportunity and Social Inclusion" 

Haiti is embarking on an exciting new project, supported by DEVPOLES, that has the potential to bring about significant benefits to the country's labor market. Thanks to the Inter-American Development Bank and the Fonds d'Assistance Économique et Sociale, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor will be empowered to strengthen labor intermediation services, providing temporary economic protection and promoting professional inclusion of vulnerable groups, including women and youth. 

185206803 b0957476e0 oFoto credits: Caribb.

Statement of the challenge

Haiti faces a range of social, economic, and security challenges that have contributed to a difficult environment for its citizens. The country has a long history of political instability, with frequent changes in government and periods of unrest. Recent years have seen significant social and economic challenges, including high levels of poverty, limited access to healthcare and education, and environmental degradation. The labor market in Haiti is also a significant challenge, with limited employment opportunities and a large informal sector. The security situation in Haiti has also been a concern, with high levels of crime and violence, particularly in urban areas.

The project's three-pronged approach will create more opportunities for job seekers and employers alike.

  1. Firstly, a new service model will make it easier for job seekers to find employment opportunities across a range of industries, helping to bridge the gap between job seekers and employers.
  2. Secondly, employers will have access to a more streamlined service model to post job openings and identify potential candidates quickly and efficiently. This will help to create a more inclusive labor market and contribute to economic growth.
  3. Lastly, the project will develop a strategic management plan for the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor, including human resources, performance, and training of staff. This plan will ensure that the Ministry has the necessary resources and skills to deliver high-quality services to job seekers and employers.

Overall, the project is a positive step forward for Haiti, offering opportunities for temporary economic protection and promoting professional inclusion of vulnerable groups. DEVPOLES is committed to supporting sustainable and transformational change, and this project is a testament to their dedication to Haiti's future. The project's has the potential to bring about significant benefits to Haiti's labor market, creating more opportunities for job seekers and employers alike.



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