New Award! Decent work in Guatemala


DEVPOLES to stengthen decent work structrues and build system stakeholder capacities in Guatemala 

Our organization is thrilled to launch an ambitious new project that will support vulnerable communities in Guatemala. 

mayan-woman-2022-11-10-08-36-07-utcFoto credits: Envato elements.

Statement of the challenge

Financed by the European Union and managed by the Ministry of Economy, this project is a key component of the Decent Work Programme, which is dedicated to promoting decent employment opportunities for all Guatemalans.

Our project has two main objectives:

  1. To establish public-private partnerships that will provide training and support for vulnerable groups such as young people, people with disabilities, women, and indigenous communities. We will begin by conducting a comprehensive diagnosis of the supply and demand for vocational training in the country, and then use this information to create tailored training programs that address the specific needs of these groups. This will bridge the gap between supply and demand and ensure that the training provided is relevant and impactful.

  2. To strengthen the business development services of the Ministry of Economy to better support micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises. This will include the development of a cutting-edge mobile app to streamline the registration process for companies interested in receiving support, a powerful management tool with advanced geographic mapping capabilities, and state-of-the-art data-driven dashboards that will allow for better tracking and evaluation of program results. This will enable us to provide more efficient and effective support to MSMEs, and ultimately drive national economic growth and social cohesion.. 

Our project also includes the organization of Regional Thematic Fairs for products of MSMEs, which will include sectors such as gastronomy, tourism, seafood, manufacturing,  woodwork, and handicrafts. These fairs will provide an opportunity for MSMEs to showcase their products and services, and also prepare them to position their production on a national level. Additionally, we will be organizing the First National MSME Encounter, which will be a four-day event with specialized themes for each day. The event will provide a platform for MSMEs to make connections, link to larger producers and service providers to improve their businesses, receive targeted training, listen to informative talks, access services from institutions, and participate in business roundtables. The organization of this event will include a strategy for dissemination and promotion, as well as an evaluation of the event by the participants.

We understand that this project is ambitious and will take a lot of hard work and dedication to achieve our goals, but we are confident that by working together with public and private partners, under the guidance of the Ministry of Economy and the European Union, we can make a real impact in the lives of vulnerable communities. We are committed to sustainable and transformational change, and we are excited to begin this journey together with EY Costa Rica, Arbetsförmedlingen, and Hanns R. Neumann Stiftung - HRNS.

We will keep our stakeholders informed of the progress of this project on our website and social media, and we look forward to contributing towards a brighter future for all Guatemalans.


Sobre DP

Ofrecemos soluciones de consultoría y asistencia técnica hechas a la medida de clientes del sector público, privado y no gubernamental.


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Brussels, Belgica.
TVA: 0764.362.473

Oficina Regional de las Américas
Avenida Balboa int / Calle Uruguay
Vista Marina Torre B, Nivel 16 Oficina B
Ciudad de Panamá, Panamá.
+507 214-1381
VAT:2499578-1818737 DV27


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