EuroJusticia - JUSTHO

"Promoting swift and accessible justice in Honduras"



European Union

Judiciary, Public Ministry, Ministry of Security, Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, Ministry of Planning and External Cooperation, Superior Court of Auditors, Institute of Access to Public Information, National Autonomous University of Honduras

B&S Europe y GIZ

Eurojustice is currently the largest program supporting access to justice and the fight against impunity in the Republic of Honduras. The program has 2 main components:

  1. Justice Support Project (JUSTHO) Sector was implemented by Development Poles and their partners through an International Assistance.
  2. Project to combat impunity and support for Transparency (PIT) AECID implemented through a delegated cooperation mechanism with funds from the European Union.

Eurojustice general objective is to contribute to national efforts to combat impunity for corruption and violent crime and ensure the Honduran population access to an efficient, effective, transparent and reliable promoter of social equity justice.

To the attainment of this objective, Development Poles provide specialized technical assistance services in order to accompany the reform of the security sector and justice in Honduras, supporting the development of the institutional capacity of the sector to ensure efficient and effective public service within a framework of transparency and accountability.

Through these services, the following results were achieved:

  1. Strengthened the capabilities of: prosecution and conviction of corruption and violent crimes affecting the Honduran citizens.
  2. Expanded access to justice for vulnerable groups, through a better service to citizens.
  3. Mechanisms strengthened audit, internal control and oversight of social justice operators.

One line of action in this innovative project is the provision of standardization and technological solutions for the Honduran judiciary. In particular: Development Poles provided specialized technical assistance services in order to accompany the reform of the security sector and justice in Honduras

  • Implementation of the GICA-Justice rules, sponsored by the Judiciary of Costa Rica, which transposes the public service and in particular the operator of justice family of standards ISO 9000 - Quality Management Systems (QMS).
  • Continuity Management for justice operators implementing the ISO 22301: 2012.
  • Modernization and readjustment of the software and the physical infrastructure for summons and notifications centers and receiving and distributing documents centers.
  • Development and implementation of a software application for the creation of an Integrated Information Network (RII), putting the judiciary, the Public Ministry and the Ministry of Security network for entry and tracking records in the justice system.
  • Ampliar y modernizar la cobertura de redes de voz y datos, fortalecer la seguridad de los mismos, adquirir licencias, equipos y software, contar con centros de datos capaces de almacenar la información actual y centros con capacidad para la continuidad de la gestión institucional.
  • Strengthening statistical units and jurisprudence of the Electronic Center for Documentation and Judicial Information (CEDIJ):

Thus, we will benefit directly to the following target customers:

  • Judges and court staff assigned to justices of the peace, peace Mobile, execution, flagrancy.
  • Public defenders,
  • Police
  • Prosecutors
  • Experts and translators,
  • Staff citations and communications units and quality management,
  • Prosecutors assigned to units supported by the program (crimes against life, impact cases, extortion and maras, analysis ....)
  • Staff assigned to the integrated and conciliation centers.
  • Police officers assigned to the victim service and community policing.
  • Identified vulnerable groups (women, youth, minorities, etc.)

Development Poles is mobilizing prestigious experts in different niches of action for the implementation of this project. For more information on specific consulting opportunities consulting our opportunities section

About DP

At DP we offer tailored-made solutions delivered by talented consultants keenly emphasizing on human relations.

Contact Us

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