- In the past 20 years, the accelerated modernization of human organizations cannot be understood without the critical role of information and communication technologies.
- The introduction of enterprise resource planning systems (ERP), automated case management systems (CMS), big data analytics, data visualisation tools, cloud computing, blockchain technology, geographic information systems (GIS), database management systems (DBMS), single windows and one-stop shops for online services and specific functions, has boosted perfomance and management efficiency of complex organizations to unprecedented levels.
However, it has also exposed them to increased vulnerability to data theft and exposure, boosting the need for increased cybersecurity and IT security training in a extemely fast-paced environment.
- At Development Poles, we advise you in identifying, developing, testing, rolling-out, evaluating and reviewing a applied technological solutions that best suit the needs of your organization, as well as the necessary industry-standard and/or bespoke training to underpin your organization's IT needs.